Probability Distribution Commands

Reading in device data and fitting it




`Filename`: full name of a csv delimited Filename

File Format

Assumes that each sequence appears on a new line and each line has the same number of entries. Assumes that it is a raw count for each of the possible measurement outcomes. Note it is important to know the order of the outcomes (this is significant). Although this can be overriden, it is a assumed that they are stored as:



i.e. lsb to the right.

Returns a full rows x col matrix depending on the number of entries of the file. for a 16 qubit machine, where the data was taken over 6 sequences we will return a 6x655536 array of Ints.




`Data`, as returned by readInCSVFile - see help for that function.


The Hadamard transformed fidelities for each sequence as a list of lists.


fitTheFidelties(lengths, data; no =0)


lengths: Array{Int64,1}, e.g. collect(1:2:24) - the length at which each of the above sets of data was gathered.

data: Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, this is a list of observed probabilities at different sequences.

no: printed with the warning message if we fail to fit. Allowing identification of problem in "batch" fits.

Take the data, transform it and see if we can fit it to an exponential decay. This proves problematic where the data is a bit sparse, as the decays can be all over the place. In general it is extremely helpful to have good 'low' gate sequence as that helps to anchor the fits. If we have an extremely high decay rate, the intercept parameter is difficult to find.

Here we check for convergence, and warn if it doesn't converge.

This enforces a cut-off to the data used for the fit. Specifically it gets rid of the 'tail' of data.


three things:

  • the fitting parameters, in the form [A,p], where A is the y-axis intercept and p is the decay probability.
  • the length of the sequence that was used for each parameter.
  • the indices of those that still failed to converge.

Typical usage

    params,_ = fitTheFidelities(collect(1:2:22),data)



params: parameters that come from the fittingTheFidelities method (list of A and p)

Convert and project the fitted fidelities, to rerieve the 'p's representing the joint probabilities.


the projected probability distribuion.

Projecting probabilities and marginalising probability distributions




probs: a probabiliity distribution, that isn't quite

Takes the proffered probability distribution and projects it onto the closest probability distribution (where they are all >=0). Uses an algorithm similar to [Projection onto the probability simplex: An efficient algorithm with a simple proof, and an application)[]


the projected probability distrubtion.




q the qubits you want to marginalise to, expressed as a list e.g. [1,2] marginalise away everything else pps the probability distribution you want.

Example marginalise([1,3,5],pps) returns the joint probability distribution of 1,3 and 5 with all other qubits marginalised out.


the marginalised joint probability distribution. You may need to vec this.

Measuring correlations and various other metrics



p a probability vector


Computes the covariance matrix between the 0/1 random variables representing no error / error.
If x is a column vector of bits representing an error pattern, then we can compute the matrix
Expect_p[(x-μ) (x-μ)^T]
where μ = Expect_p[x].

If we set reverse to true, then we reverse the digits.
The way IBM stores its digits we wouldn't normally want to reverse them, but in general
this might not be true


the matrix Expect_p[(x-μ) (x-μ)^T]



Computes the covariance matrix $\Sigma$ and then let:
$D = \sqrt{diag{\Sigma}$

Return $D^{-1}\Sigma D^{-1}$
See also See also: [`covarianceMatrix`](@ref)



p1 a qubit position p2 a qubit position p a global probability distribution.


the mutualInformation between probabilities at p1, p2 given probability distribution p.


Makes use of the marginalise function to marginalise over probabilities

$MI(p1,p2) =\sum\limit_{x\in p1,y\in p2}\left[p(x,y)\log{\frac{p(x,y)}{p(x),p(y)})\right]$

Some gotchas:
    I return -1 if p1==p2 , this allows an identification of the qubit where I loop.
    if p(x,y) is 0, p(x) or p(y) is 0 then this is defined as a 'zero' part of the sum - even though the log is undefined.
relativeEntropy(P, Q)

Calculates the relative entropy between two joint probability distributions.
D(P||Q) = Sum p_j*log(p_j/q_j)

Undefined if any of the q_js are zero, unless the corresponding p_j is zero.



dist1, probability distribuion
dist2, probability distribution


calcluates the Jensen-Shannon Divergence between the two distributions. This is symmetric and well defined, even if the probabilities are not in each other's support. The square root is a metric.

$JSD(P||Q) = \frac{1}{2}D(P||M)+\frac{1}{2}D(Q||M)$, where

$M =\frac{1}{2}(P+Q)$

Returns $JSD(P||Q)$


conditionalMutualInfo Pass in vectors of qubits for X Y and Z and the distribution to analyse.


Gives the conditional mutual information for the qubits
supplied in X,Y and Z where we want I(XY|Z)

$I(XY|Z) = \Sum( P(x,y,z)\log(2, P(Z)P(X,Y,Z)/P(X,Z)P(Y,Z) )$



Gibbs Random Fields (one dimensional)




  • pps: Array{Float64,1} For example the output of convertAndProject

  • constraints: Array{Int64,1}: The division of the gibbs field. See below for example.

    Takes a joint probability and the gibbs variable constraints and returns a vector of reduced probability distributions. For example the constraints might be [[1,2,3,4],[3,4,5,6],[5,6,7,8]] over a field of 8 qubits This would return an array of 3 ϕ's each 16 long (2^4), from which the joint probability can be extracted on the assumption That, say, qubits 1,2 are independent of qubits 5-8. Note: the assumption inbuilt here is that the constraints end and start with qubits in common e.g. [1,2,->3,4],[3,4<-,5,6]

Note the other version of is one gibbsRandomField, where the constraints are constraints::Array{Array{Array{Any,1},1},1} is probably (now) preferred - there you can specify the constraints more generally. In particular as tuples of qubits and the qubits they are conditioned on.


ϕ as a series of factors, depending on the constraints.



  • pps: Array{Float64,1} For example the output of convertAndProject

  • constraints: Array{Array{Array{Any,1},1},1}: The division of the gibbs field. See below for example.

    Takes a joint probability and the variable constraints that are conditioned and returns a vector of reduced probability distributions. It is up to the user to make sure that the factorization is complete and makes sense. For example the constraints might be [[(1,2),(3,4)],[(3,),(4,5,6)],[(4,5,6,7,8),()]] over a field of 8 qubits This would return an array of 3 ϕ's the first 16 long (2^4), the second 2^4 long and the third 2^5 long from which the joint probability can be extracted on the assumption That, say, qubits 1,2 are independent of qubits 5-8.


ϕ as a series of factors, depending on the constraints.




  • pps: Array{Float64,1} For example the output of convertAndProject

  • constraints: Array{Array{Array{Any,1},1},1}: The division of the gibbs field. See below for example.

    Takes a joint probability and the variable constraints that are conditioned and returns a vector of reduced probability distributions. It is up to the user to make sure that the factorization is complete and makes sense. For example the constraints might be [[(1,2),(3,4)],[(3,),(4,5,6)],[(4,5,6,7,8),()]] over a field of 8 qubits This would return an array of 3 ϕ's the first 16 long (2^4), the second 2^4 long and the third 2^5 long from which the joint probability can be extracted on the assumption That, say, qubits 1,2 are independent of qubits 5-8.


ϕ as a series of factors, depending on the constraints.




ϕ: the factor graph (possibly obtained through gibbsRandomField)
tomatch: the bit pattern we want
graining: the split for the factor graph.


For instance say we want all bits zero apart from qubit 3 (which = 1) Then for ϕ[1], which represents bits [2,1,3,6] - we need the entry corresponding to decimal equiv of reverse(0,0,1,0) plus one, because 0 0 0 0 = first entry i.e. index 1. We will have length(ϕ) of these entries, this gives us the perVecIndex. Then we just read it out for ϕ, with a map, using foldl to multiply them for us.

Example use

   generalisedConstraints =[
    reconstructed = [Marginal.getGrainedP(ϕ,tomatch,[vcat(x[1],x[2]) for x in generalisedConstraints]) for tomatch =0:(2^14-1)]
Takes a global probability distribution, uses it to fill in the factor graph variables spedified in generalisedConstraints
and the reconstructs the probability distribution as given by the factor graph.


 for the given tomatch bitpattern the extracted probability.
Given a distribution and a set of constraints.
Return the reconstruction of a distribution parameterized by the constraints.



distribution: a probability distribution
constraints: a set of constraints (see first form of gibbsRandomField)


Given a distribution and a set of constraints.
Reconstruct the distribution using the constraints.


The JSD of the reconstructed distribution and the original distribution.

rawData - all of the observations ie. an array of 1..|lengths] each being a $2^n$ vector.
constraints - currently a list of constraints in the same from as [`gibbsRandomField(pps,constraints)`][@ref]
lengths - the lengths the data sets were taken at

Takes in the raw observations, for each of the lengths specified in length.
Extracts the joint probabilities needed from constraints.
Marginalises the observations, transforms, fits, transforms and fills in the joint probabilities.
Returns the completed gibbs factors.

Note if your $2^n$  vectors are too big, simply re-write to pass in the actual observations and work out the marginalised observations as you scan through them,
potentially sparse arrays will help (although not sure if marginalise will work)